Treatments for Lipoatrophy

The loss of subcutaneous fat from the face is commonly referred to as facial wasting or lipoathrophy. The risk of facial wasting has been lessened because of advances in antiretroviral therapy. The longer a person is on HIV medications, the greater the likelihood of developing problems with facial wasting. Signs of lipoathrophy include the loss of subcutaneous fat primarily in the temporal region and cheeks, which tends to produce an emancipated appearance. There are two FDA approved facial fillers that can be used to treat lipoathrophy- Radiesse and Sculptra.
Our team at Whole Family Health Center/ ARTCTC offers treatment of facial lipoathrophy with these facial fillers in order to improve facial appearance. We also assist our patients by enrolling them in the patient access programs for facial treatments. Our organization also participates in clinical trials to improve these therapies. If you are interested in learning more about his program, please contact Debbie Bemenderfer, LPN at (772) 978-9556 or e-mail at
Eligibility Requirements
Radiesse Patient Access Application Form
Valeant Sculptra Form
Directions to facility